Monday, March 23, 2009

Pan Fried Pork Chops with rice and beans

Here is a simple recipe from my friend Star.

Pork Chops
Mahatma Saffron Rice
1-2 cans black beans
sour cream
pico de gallo or tomatoes, cilantro, red onion and cucumber with red wine vinegar and garlic salt

1. pork chops- fry them up in a pan - i use a little olive oil, garlic salt and pepper.
2. cook the saffron rice (i use mahatma safrron rice)- about 20 minutes.
3. open a can or two of black beans (or precook black beans in a crock pot)
4. serve together- with sour cream and add some pico de gallo type mix if you want- i use tomatoes, cilantro, red onion (and sometimes cucumber added in) with red wine vinegar and garlic salt to toss it up with.

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