Monday, April 13, 2009

Tortilla Pie

An easy yummie recipe from Beth! Ooh and it even squeezes in some veggies!

4 (10 in) flour tortillas
1 med onion - chopped
1 1/2 t. ground cumin
2 T. tomato paste
1 lb. ground beef
3 cloves garlic - minced
1 (10 oz) frozen corn
3 c. baby spinach - torn into pieces
3c. mont. jack cheese
cilantro, sour cream

*oven 400 - trim tortillas to fit a spring form pan -assemble pan with bottom upside down so you can slide the pie out - lightly oil bottom - cook onion in a little olive oil in pan - add cumin and stir in tomato paste - add beef and garlic - cook til no longer pink - add corn and spinach til spinach wilted - layer with tortilla first, 1 1/2 - 2 c. meat mixture, top with cheese, repeat til you end with tortilla and cheese on top - bake 15 -20 mins.
*I like to make cheesey layers so kids like it - and put on a baking sheet so it does not run out and make a mess in oven

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